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Though lately I've shifted my focus to fiction and poetry, I started out as a playwright. Some of these were written for the university theater program I directed for two decades. Others go back as far as the 1980s. Click on titles for sample scenes. Full scripts available on request.

Free Antigone!

Sophocles' classic tragedy updated into the age of Greta Thunberg, the Parkland students, and Fox and Friends. 2M, 3F, 5 flexible.

Lance & Lana

A bittersweet love story wrapped in a satire of modern royal families disguised as a bedtime story, with a plot lifted from Büchner’s Leonce and Lena. 2M, 3F, 2 M or F.


Lysistrata Now

Aristophanes’ great anti-war heroine faces modern east/west and male/female conflicts with the help of Oprah Winfrey, Barry White and soccer. 4M, 6F but flexible.



An unofficial sequel and response to Shaw’s Major Barbara, with its characters thrust into the Spanish Civil War and the afterlife, coming to terms with the damage wrought by the intervening century. 2M, 2F with doubling.


Children of Argos

A new version of the ancient tale in which Electra and Orestes struggle with the legacy of their dysfunctional family and with the violence around and within them. 3M, 3F with doubling.


Hey Bosnia

A black comic adventure story and a satire of celebrity do-goodism, in which a slightly over-the-hill rock star and his supermodel wife try to fight a war they don’t understand. 4M, 4F.



A media firestorm engulfs a family, a community, and a pre-school teacher accused of sexually molesting her charges. Large, flexible cast; minimum 6M, 6F.


The Wannsee Wedding

A light, romantic fantasia about the double suicide of Heinrich von Kleist and Henriette Vogel. 5M, 2F but flexible.

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